Tag: lamps

Nancy Behrman on Halogen Lamps, Public Relations and Longevity

As one of the most respected leaders in her industry and a genuine pioneer in public relations and brand building, Nancy Behrman is now able to point to over 30 years of success as the founder of Behrman Communications. The public relations and brand building firm specializes in beauty and lifestyle brand publicity, and Ms.

Halogen Lamp Safety

Are Halogen Lights safe?  Well that depends on how they are used.  Did you know that halogens can cause a sun burn?  They get very hot as well.  If touched while lit you will get burned. This is a concern for kid rooms.  There is as with all glass bulbs they can break and cause cuts. 

Halogen for Visual Problems

Florissant lighting can trigger epileptic episodes while dim lighting can cause eye strain.  Too much light can cause migraine head aches. Where do we turn for lighting that will not cause sun burns ore other medical problems.  Halogens are now the light of choice as they not only provide light but do so without killing

Halogen Makeup Lamps, Good or Bad?

Lets build a bathroom with good lighting.  Halogen makeup lamps, good or bad?  This will be the question on builder reminds as they design the bathroom of your dreams.  Women need good lighting for their makeup in the night or morning which ever it may be needed for applying. Yes good lighting is the important

Halogen Lights help in Dangerous Areas

We are having more troubled times earthquakes, flooding and tornadoes.  When the electrical light go back on Halogen lights help in dangerous areas because of the smaller amount electrical drainage from the grate.  Halogen lights can help get areas that have had a area in a danger zone to get back up and working.  People

Best Halogen for the Home

My home improvement for new lighting for cheaper. The government has take some lighting off the market or will be taking them off the market.  Halogen for the home is the best replacement for lighting these days it helps lower a families electrical bill. They last longer we are told and or safer for the