Halogen Light Bulb Allergies: Truth or Fiction
Humans love debating to know the truth and one of the subjects that have remained on for long is the question whether indeed bulb allergies are a truth or fiction. The only way an answer to this question can be derived is through expert dissection of the various types of lights and the effects they have to those who come in contact with their light. Although many people prefer to use compact fluorescent light bulbs for the fact they consume less energy, there are concerns they could be making people sick.
Effect on school children
Before delving deeper into this subject, it is necessary to understand that there is a difference between compact fluorescent light bulbs and halogen bulbs, and this is why they are believed to cause complications from allergies especially among school going children. Before 2008, it was understood that compact fluorescent light bulbs came with poisonous mercury and this was a type of mercury that was used in older thermostaters, which were also banned due to the danger posed to users. However, the mercury content is only an issue if the bulb breaks.
According to an EPA study, the mercury vapor that spilled from broken compact fluorescent light bulbs is up to 300 times the accepted safety quality, and the inhalation of this mercury could lead to neural damage among children and elderly people or anyone suffering from complex health problems. The advice recommended is that if compact fluorescent light bulbs break on the carpet there is no need to attempt cleaning as no amount of that would remove the mercury completely.
It is safer to get rid of the carpet. As a measure of security, the government of the United States issued new guidelines to stop the production of incandescent light bulbs in favor of compact fluorescent light bulbs due to energy efficiency claims, which leaves many at the mercy of their keenness while using CFL bulbs.
Radiation levels and allergies
As you might note, compact fluorescent light bulbs contribute high radiation levels and this leads to migraine headaches, nausea, sleep abnormalities, pain, fatigue, and dizziness. Even using the common long tube CFLs could contribute to this problem due to the little flickering that you might not even notice. It’s not always easy to notice this radiation but with time the effect is manifested through allergies, headaches, and seizures, which can prove a severe problem especially among school going children who learn under the bulbs all day.
The only good news about this is that the severity of the effect that comes with using these bulbs could be reduced by maintaining a long distance between the bulbs. The UV radiated by most CFL bulbs is negligible so when you maintain the distance you are able to protect yourself from the effect of coming in contact with the light. As Dr. Summit Shah advises, in case the bulb breaks and mercury begins leaking, it is advisable that everyone should leave the venue to allow for cleaning. It is best to observe cleaning guidelines as issued by EPA to avoid coming into contact with the harmful mercury.